
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Differences between Reporting and Analysis –Theory Points from Brent Dykes blog

Hi Guys,

This post is taken from
Thank you Brent Dykes such a nice explanation .
As a BI developer we ought to know the theoretical concepts hence Ive made a notes on the same from the Brents post. 

Difference between Reporting and Analysis – Theory 

Report­ing and analy­sis are very dif­fer­ent in terms of their pur­pose, tasks, out­puts, deliv­ery, and value
       1. The process of orga­niz­ing data into infor­ma­tional sum­maries     in order to mon­i­tor how dif­fer­ent areas of a busi­ness are per­form­ing.
      1.The process of explor­ing data and reports in order to extract mean­ing­ful insights, which can be used to bet­ter under­stand and improve busi­ness performance.
       2. Report­ing trans­lates raw data into infor­ma­tion
      2. Analy­sis trans­forms data and infor­ma­tion into insights.
      3. Good report­ing should raise ques­tions about the busi­ness from its end users
      3.The goal of analy­sis is to answer ques­tions by inter­pret­ing the data at a deeper level and pro­vid­ing action­able rec­om­men­da­tions
      4. Report­ing shows you what is hap­pen­ing
     4. Analy­sis focuses on explain­ing why it is hap­pen­ing and what you can do about it.
      5.Reporting: Build­ing, con­fig­ur­ing, con­sol­i­dat­ing, orga­niz­ing, for­mat­ting, and sum­ma­riz­ing.
      5. Analy­sis:  focuses on dif­fer­ent tasks such as ques­tion­ing, exam­in­ing, inter­pret­ing, com­par­ing, and con­firm­ing.
      6. Report­ing fol­lows a push approach
        6.Analy­sis fol­lows a pull approach
      7. Reports are pushed to users who are then expected to extract         mean­ing­ful insights and take appro­pri­ate actions for them­selves (i.e., self-serve).
     7.Par­tic­u­lar data is pulled by an ana­lyst in order to answer spe­cific busi­ness ques­tions.

         8. Types
·         Canned reports, dash­boards, and alerts.
·         Dashboard: These custom-made reports com­bine dif­fer­ent KPIs and reports to pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive, high-level view of busi­ness per­for­mance for spe­cific audi­ences. Dash­boards may include data from var­i­ous data sources and are also usu­ally fairly static.

·         Ad hoc responses
·         Analy­sis pre­sen­ta­tions

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